Putting #x=y=z=1# we have #81 = 3^4# #color(white)(81) = (111)^4# #color(white)(81) = kkk# #color(white)(81) = 3(1)6(4)3(6)3k# #color(white)(81) = 453k# So we have #3kExpand (xy)^3 (x y)3 ( x y) 3 Use the Binomial Theorem x3 3x2y3xy2 y3 x 3 3 x 2 y 3 x y 2 y 3Binomial Theorem Tutorial Binomial expression An algebraic expression consisting of two terms with a positive or negative sign between them is called a binomial expression Example (ab), ( P / x 2) – (Q / x 4) etc Binomial Theorem When a binomial expression is raised to a power 'n' we would like to be able to expand it
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